Sigh, out of the 9 pieces that were delivered (we ordered 10 pcs per the minimum, but 1 was out of stock - Thank God!), only 4 pieces turned out okay, still acceptable (2nd and 3rd photos above). The 2 pieces that LL & myself both ordered (same design - 1 sided sleeve above), supposed to be maroon but turned out to be bright pink - the colour is still acceptable but the top seemed to have too much cloth, however, the good thing is it created a fuller bust (for me, not sure about LL, she gotta try to see if it is too lose for her).
The other 2 pieces ordered by my colleagues Mich & Becky were a disappointment, the colour not only turned out very different, the quality of the material was also poor (refer first photo on the left above, supposed to be a lighter beige).
The worst one gotta be the black and white item on the bottom left above. The T-shirt material was "like those RM5 White Langkawi T-shirt", it was not even cotton!! I felt like wearing a maid's costume when trying on it :P but i guess even maid's costume looked better (maid's costume is cotton and with apron n all). Sorry hm, wrong choice. It looked so good in the photo, we were fooled! Thank goodness the dark blue tiered dress with white ribbon was nice (2nd one on top row), the cutting was also nice, esp the bust part, gave the illusion of bigger bust with some pleats.
Although it's cheaper buying from www.rk-fashion.com we will not be buying for the 2nd time. Once bitten twice shy. Guess I will stick to www.irenelim.com/fashion and also www.spfashion.net based on past experience, the quality of the clothes are as per the photos shown on their sites and best of prompt delivery - delivery on the next day upon payment!
The only cons about www.irenelim.com/fashion is that the clothes were sold like hot cakes, very often it's either out of stock or out of size by the time i log in and view at night. Superb service though, very prompt response on queries and orders. Good job Irene!
As for June of www.spfashion.net, her service is also quite prompt and good. But her restocking is not so frequent - the last restock was Apr 09. The good thing is that we get additional discounts during stock clearance now.
For now, I might turn back to physical shopping (going to the shop, try on, swipe my card) or if I don't have the time for that, will stick to www.irenelim.com/fashion and http://www.spfashion.net/ for online clothes shopping.
hi, i never do online shopping before except for tickets..